Postoperative recommendations

Extraction of a tooth
Extraction of a tooth
  • Bite the tampon placed by the surgeon for about 20 minutes. then spit it out. Minor bleeding may persist for up to several hours after the procedure. If the bleeding is heavy and prolonged contact your dentist
  • Do not eat or drink anything 2 hours after the procedure
  • 24 hours after treatment:
    • - do not eat any hot food and drinks
    • - you are not allowed to smoke
    • - you are not allowed to drink alcohol
    • - do not rinse the mouth
    • - avoid intense physical exertion
    • - brush the area of ​​the extracted tooth
    • - each time after tooth extraction it is recommended to use cold compresses
  • A few days after extraction, it is recommended to eat soft meals that do not require intensive chewing
  • Cold compresses should be separated from the skin with a towel and applied intermittently to avoid frostbite
  • In case of pain, take a painkiller (as directed by your doctor)
  • Do not touch the post-treatment area. The presence of a raid in the extraction socket is normal and should not be a cause for concern.
  • Suture removal (if fitted) within 7 days of the procedure
  • If swelling or trismus persists, notify your doctor

What should prompt you to contact the dentist?

  • Appearance of high fever after surgery.
  • Persistent heavy bleeding.
  • Strong pain that is not relieved by painkillers and does not decrease with the hours and days following the procedure.
  • Exacerbation of previously gradually relieving pain.

Edema build-up three days after surgery. The mere presence of edema after such a time should not be alarming, but it should gradually disappear three days after the procedure.

Root canal treatment
  • Food should not be bitten or chewed on the side of the root canal treatment until the tooth is completely rebuilt with a filling or a crown. Otherwise, the weakened tooth structure may crack, significantly complicating the treatment.
  • Do not eat while you are under anesthesia
  • After the end of the root canal treatment, there may be (but need not) temporary pain in the treated tooth for about 7 days from the end of the treatment. If necessary, you can take painkillers or anti-inflammatories after consulting your doctor.
  • If you experience any edema (swelling of the cheek), see your doctor.
  • 6 months after the end of the root canal treatment, a control X-ray should be taken.

Eating out

  • After tooth reconstruction with modern light-curing materials used in our clinic, there are basically no contraindications for eating food or drinking fluids immediately after leaving the dental surgery. In the case of restoration of anterior teeth with highly aesthetic materials, the dentist may recommend avoiding food and coloured liquids for several hours after the procedure.
  • If the procedure was performed under local anaesthesia, food should be avoided until the anaesthesia has subsided, as oral structures can easily be damaged by biting.


In the case of sensitive teeth or deep fillings, in some cases there may be short-term, fading tooth hypersensitivity to stimuli such as temperature (heat, cold) and biting. If there is no improvement or the discomfort worsens within 7 days of the treatment, contact your dentist.


After the implantation of dental implants, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • oral hygiene should be kept in perfect condition, avoid brushing the implant area until the sutures are removed.
  • antibiotic therapy and painkillers as prescribed by your doctor
  • cold compresses on the first day after the procedure to reduce possible swelling
  • use of mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine (Eludril, Corsodyl) 14 days after the treatment. Immediately after the procedure (1 day we do not use rinses)
  • Avoiding strenuous exercise within one month of surgery
  • removal of stitches 10-14 days after surgery
  • attendance at check-ups (according to doctor's recommendations)
  • smoking is forbidden in the first week after treatment
  • alcohol is forbidden for 7 days after the procedure
  • use of the sauna and solarium is forbidden for one month after the treatment
  • after removing the stitches, brush the postoperative area with a soft brush
  • dentures (if any) cannot be used for a period of 14 days. After this period, dentures should be adapted to the conditions.
  • a soft diet, i.e. the consumption of liquid and semi-liquid foods
  • Occasionally, bruises or hematomas may occur after implantation surgery - this is due to normal healing processes and you should not worry about it.

We kindly ask you to follow the above-mentioned recommendations because they have a great impact on the proper course of treatment.

Scheme of follow-up visits after implantation (unless otherwise recommended by the doctor):

  • removal of stitches 7-10 days after surgery
  • denture adjustment (if any) 14 days after surgery
  • control visit 3 months after implant placement in the mandible (lower jaw) or 6 months after implantation in the maxilla (upper jaw)
  • control visit every 6 months combined with oral cavity hygiene from the moment of prosthetic reconstruction on implants


  • 90 min. After whitening the teeth, you can only drink mineral water (without the addition of lemon), because the whitening gel causes the enlargement of the porous enamel tissue, which leads to a significant sensitivity of the teeth to coloring agents.
  • 48 hours after the procedure, only white toothpaste can be used and no oral cavity disinfectants should be used.
  • 48 hours after the procedure, use of the white diet according to the table below:


48 hours after the procedure, you can eat:

48 hours after the procedure you can drink:

48 hours after surgery, you cannot eat:

48 hours after surgery, you cannot drink:

rice, white sauces, pasta, potatoes, boiled eggs without yolks, chicken (boiled), fish (boiled), natural yoghurts, white cheese, white dairy products, white bread, cereals breakfast, bananas mineral water (no lemon), white alcohol (excluding light beer), milk colored and coloring products such as: chocolate, beetroot, dark sauces, soups (all), meats, pates, cheese, raw and cooked vegetables, fruit (except bananas ) coffee, tea, juices, coca-cola etc., red wine, light and dark beer, colored spirits


After 48 hours from the teeth whitening treatment, you can consume all kinds of drinks and products. However, it should be remembered that frequent consumption of coloring products and drinks will result in faster discoloration of the teeth.

Sinus lift
  • Bleeding may continue for up to several hours after surgery - gauze should be applied for the first 20-30 minutes and changed if necessary; </ li >
  • For the first 24 hours, try to keep your head at a certain height and cool your face with ice;
  • Do not rinse or spit out in the first 72 hours - this may flush the scab away and make the wound less healing;
  • You should not blow your nose under any circumstances during the first 4 weeks;
  • 48 hours after the procedure, you should not brush your teeth near the surgery site;
  • Drink fluids through a straw for at least 3 days after treatment;
  • Avoid dental rinses - use saline three times a day for a week;
  • Avoid hot, spicy and crunchy foods;
  • The soft diet should be used for the first 24 hours;
  • Smokers should not smoke during convalescence as this may result in poor wound healing;
  • Alcohol is not allowed while using painkillers.
  • Physical effort is prohibited for the first 2 weeks from the moment of the procedure
Scaling and sandblasting

After the oral cavity hygiene treatment (scaling and sandblasting), slight temporary hypersensitivity of teeth and gums may occur. Each time after the hygienization treatment, we offer tooth varnishing in order to eliminate this symptom.

Please follow the recommendations below:

  • using recommended by a doctor brushes, pastes, rinses, threads and other utensils for the daily hygiene of the oral cavity
  • no food consumption within 2 hours of the tartar removal procedure
  • thorough and gentle brushing of teeth as instructed by a dentist or dental hygienist
  • on the day of the procedure, avoid smoking, eating acidic products and drinks that may discolour teeth, such as currant juice, chokeberry juice, red wine, as well as eating beetroot or blueberries.  

Digital dentistry clinic

Teeth implants, orthodontics, prosthetics in one place.

If you live in or around Warsaw and are looking for a dental clinic, you have come to the right place. Jesionowa Dental Clinic is a centre located in Michalowice, where you can find help with prosthetics, orthodontics and implants. The clinic offers a range of different services, including conservative and paediatric dentistry, teeth whitening, orthodontics and digital prosthetics, as well as microscopic endodontics and radiological diagnostics.

The Jesionowa Dental Clinic treatment centre has state-of-the-art equipment and facilities such as specialised scanners, 3D printers, tomographs and dental microscopes and ultrasound instruments.

We invite you to learn more about our services and check out the Smile Gallery, where you can see the results of our work.